On November 23, 2024, St Albert Interfaith Connections held Community Connections event. The focus was on creating and enhancing community connections, through art, culture, and volunteering, which would help the identified needs of isolation, loneliness, and food security from a survey by the City of St Albert.
Deputy Mayor Shelley Biermanski opened the event followed by Ebele Iwelu, a youth from Africans and African Descents in St Albert, sharing her volunteer experience, and creating a program in her school to help increase understanding and decrease discrimination. Tharushi Dissanayake shared her talents by dancing a traditional Sri Lankan dance and talking about the history of the dance, and the symbolism of Elephants an important symbol of strength in their culture.
Jennifer McCullough from Family and Community Supports and Services (FCSS), Linda Ensley from St Albert Seniors Association spoke on services available in St Albert, volunteer opportunities and needs of the community.
The group participated in making Birthday Cake kits for the St Albert Food Bank and Jessie’s House, an organization that assists those going through domestic violence. Food donations were also collected for the Food Bank. Lion's Club Peace Poster artwork from youth ages 11-13 from St Albert schools and around the world was featured. Youth depicted their ideas of peace through art.
Interfaith Community Connections