What Are We Doing?

Spiritual and Moral Education for Adults, Junior Youth and Children

The Bahá’í Faith places great emphasis on the moral and spiritual education of children, youth and adults with a focus on developing a sense of world citizenship, a desire for lifelong learning, and a commitment of service to humanity.

  • Children Classes

    Classes are offered weekly for children between the ages of 6 and 10.

    Bahá’ís see children as noble beings with great potential to develop into upright and active participants in their community. Education is crucial to enable them to realize this potential. Bahá’ís believe children are “mines rich in gems of inestimable value” and that education alone can cause those latent treasures to be revealed.

    Through stories, games, arts, songs and service projects, children are guided to grow spiritually and learn the unifying principles of the Bahá’í Faith. These classes awaken an understanding and love for the Messengers of God and the oneness of humanity’s collective spiritual heritage.

    By purposefully developing spiritual qualities such as love, generosity, unity, truthfulness, kindness and justice, by learning to consult, and by engaging in service to others, children are helped to develop praiseworthy characters. This gives them a strong moral framework in which they can achieve excellence in the material, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life.

    Contact us to discover more about children’s classes in your area.

  • Study Circles - Walking a Spiritual Path

    The purpose of the Bahá’í Faith is to unite all of humanity and rebuild society. It’s an organic process that starts with the individual’s recognition that there is more to life than material gain – that we are spiritual beings and that our greatest happiness truly lies in living a spiritual life and in serving others.

    Such a transformational process requires skills and training. That’s where the study circles come in. Groups come together with a tutor to reflect on the spiritual nature of the individual, experience the power of prayer, develop skills and capacities, and engage in service to the community.

    The study circles explore various themes such as prayer, life after death, the education of children and junior youth, the lives of central figures of the Bahá’í Faith, the institution of marriage, and walking a path of service.

    The atmosphere created in each class is at once serious yet uplifting.

    Everyone is welcome to participate – regardless of religious or cultural background.

    Please Contact us to discover more about study circles in St. Albert.

  • Devotional Gatherings

    The Bahá’ís of St. Albert host regular devotional gatherings open to everyone. These special gatherings unite people in prayer, awaken spiritual susceptibilities and uplift the spirit.

    Just as an individual’s spiritual journey begins with prayer and a connection to the Creator, collective worship is essential for a community’s development and progress. Through prayer, reflection and sharing, hearts are connected and insights are gleaned. Conversation is lifted to a higher level, creativity is fostered, and bonds of unity grow among participants.

    The programs draw inspiration from the Sacred Writings of the Bahá’í Faith as well as other religious and spiritual traditions. In a spirit of reverence and respect, spiritual principles and teachings are explored.

    As there are no clergy in the Bahá’í Faith and no prescribed ritual, the devotionals are created, organized and facilitated by various community members and are diverse in their form. They are held in people’s homes, in public places, and, more recently, on Zoom.

    The spiritual atmosphere created within the devotional fosters connection, fellowship, joy and love.

    Everyone is warmly invited to participate.. Contact us for more information

  • Junior Youth Groups

    Junior youth – those between 11 and 14 years – are at a crucial stage in their lives when they are defining their identity and values. The junior youth groups address the needs of these young people by helping them to develop a strong moral identity and empowering them to contribute to the well-being of their communities.

    The animators of these groups are trained in a sequence of courses that emphasize the great potential of junior youth to understand social processes and to contribute towards building a more peaceful and just world. Animators use creative activities to engage the interests of junior youth and mold their capacities for service. The curriculum is explored using drama, storytelling, visual arts, and discussion of social issues.

    These groups help foster in the youth a sense of purpose for life and an identity that revolves around high ideals and optimism for the future.

    Contact us to discover more about junior youth groups in your area.