On a mild and sunny November day, Bahá'ís and their friends gathered to commemorate the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the first LSA of St. Albert. The event began with a land acknowledgment to honor the indigenous people who have lived in St. Albert for centuries. This was followed by prayers and devotions.
The event was graced by the presence of dignitaries, including Mayor Cathy Heron, who shared a greeting on behalf of the St. Albert City Council, congratulating the Bahá'í community for their many contributions. City Councillor Shelley Biermanski attended. Winnie Bogosoff, secretary to M.P. Michael Cooper, was present, and Mr. Cooper sent a congratulatory letter.
A delicious luncheon was enjoyed, with friends sitting at tables adorned with lovely decorations and a large, fragrant bouquet of roses and diverse flowers. M.C.s Jodi Dahl and Mladen Ryhard welcomed everyone and shared a poignant tribute to Bahá'u'lláh through words and a PowerPoint presentation, which included photos of the first LSA of St. Albert and subsequent Assemblies over the years. These photos showcased various activities and service projects the community has contributed to over the past 50 years, including children and junior youth programs, as well as educational and devotional courses.
Martin Kerr entertained with his humor and powerful voice, engaging the audience in two songs. Bahá'u'lláh teaches that the gift of the arts can bring beauty and harmony into people's lives. A large cake adorned with candles marking the number 50 was cut and shared with everyone, as friends socialized and enjoyed the celebration.